Gerelateerde zoekprofielen voor Leuven
- Ward M. (max. € 501)
- Manon (max. € 501)
- OLBRECHTS (max. € 501)
- Daan De Meulemeester (max. € 501)
- Lobke (max. € 501)
- Senne Goolaerts (max. € 501)
- Jill (max. € 501)
- Caro Hermans (max. € 501)
- Florian (max. € 501)
- Lukas Pruuost (max. € 501)
- Hailey (max. € 501)
- Despoina Toilou (Miss) (max. € 501)
- Abel Kempynck (max. € 501)
- Hannah Stokx (max. € 501)
- Eloise (max. € 501)
- Brittany van Duinen (max. € 501)
- Brittany van Duinen (max. € 501)
- Toon Schauvliege (max. € 501)
- Toon Schauvliege (max. € 501)
- Fouad sibari (max. € 501)
- Thimon Pollet (max. € 501)
- Jasper (max. € 501)
- Nicolas Dedrie (max. € 501)
- Sander (max. € 501)
- Maarten Heylen (max. € 501)
Kotzoekende: Victoria Gois dos Santos, 23 jaar
Kotzoekenden Leuven
Business and marketing student looking for a place to stay for the next academic year
I am Victoria, a 23-year old business management and marketing student at UCLL. I am looking for a kot for the next academic year, but the contract should be flexible to allow subletting since I leave for Erasmus in the end of Januaru/2023. Ideally, I will rent from september to august and then sublet from january until the end of my contract.
€ 450
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